Give your team the power to be strategic, moving system maintenance off their plates to ours.

We’ll get you out of your inbox and back on the big picture.

average years' experience per resource


more cost effective than our competitors


consultant-owned and operated

Experience on your side

From client-side advisory for deployments to daily system management, our architects infuse your team with confidence in every step forward.

Upskill as you go

Our Architects don’t just cutover to production and leave you hanging. You’ll learn how to manage and scale your solutions throughout the engagement.

Know your path forward

You don’t settle for status quo and neither do we. That’s why we take every opportunity to roadmap with you, explaining your options, and expanding what’s possible.

What our customers are saying

I will say that I’m the type of person who appreciates quality over quantity and if I could reset the implementation clock, I would have engaged with Solution Architects Group sooner.

Senior HR Manager, Healthcare

Our resource from Solution Architects is very experienced (and reliable!) and his technical proficiency in WD is even greater than our implementation partner. You will never be assigned a junior or low-level resource. They just don’t hire that way.

HR Leader, Healthcare

Infuse your digital journey with architect experience

With embedded resources and flexible engagements, we’ll drive toward your long-term objectives with each break-fix, each ticket, each release, supporting your big picture and extending your reach.

Not ready for a call?

Download our overview instead!

You’ll learn:

  • The background of our organization and why we formed this unique partnership.
  • How we perform with top-tier delivery and customer service.
  • How our service lines meet your real needs with innovative delivery models.
  • The benefits our customers experience throughout our engagements.


Looking for a ticket-based support model?

With our ticket-based managed services, you won’t be passed around a pool of junior resources using your break-fixes as their training ground. Embedded senior resources capable of timely resolution and strategic prioritization.

Navigating change and chasing ROI?

  • Supporting every change from net new deployments to MA&D to simple governance procedures for system changes, we equip super-users to end-users for successful and sustained adoption.

Our business, your journey.

Your digital journey is a path of milestones supporting your vision for your organization. We guide you to, through, and beyond each one with embedded resources and flexible engagements.

Consulting Solutions

From Phase 1 to Phase X to Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures, we deliver digital transformations, not just digital transactions.

Automation Strategies

No development team and no time to slow down? No problem. Our next-gen technology brings self-healing automation to your fingertips.

Ready to experience the architect difference?

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