Account for the people-side of change and drive sustained, self-guided adoption.

Project success doesn’t happen at go-live. It happens every day thereafter.

average years' experience per resource


more cost effective than our competitors


consultant-owned and operated

After leading change management activities from digital transformations impacting over 300k employees to introducing a single functionality impacting a small but scrappy sales team, we consistently see the same immediate opportunities to bolster your long-term adoption and ROI.

People don't actually care that much and will just get on board, right?

Not everyone has been in every conversation, so it’s easy to forget that not everyone understands the big picture as clearly as you do.

It’s critical to bring people along with you.

We already told them, do we really need to say it again?

Most people have to hear a message 5 – 7 times before they begin to formulate meaningful questions, concerns, and insights.

Communication is a campaign, not an event.

We know what the business needs, do we really need to involve them?

Don’t hesitate to open lines of dialogue with managers. They are often the most influential champions of your vision.

Mobilizing advocates requires including them in the conversation.

Our Transformation Readiness Funnel

Align leaders on

  • Project success
  • Adoption metrics
  • Role of a sponsor

Log impacts to

  • System processes
  • Roles & responsibilities
  • End user behaviors

Mobilize managers as

  • Preferred senders
  • Feedback channels
  • Resistance coaches

Craft messaging for

  • Leadership decks
  • Change network assets
  • Email campaigns

Differentiate training to

  • Engage all learning styles
  • Support self-service
  • Drive sustained adoption

What our customers are saying

I will say that I’m the type of person who appreciates quality over quantity and if I could reset the implementation clock, I would have engaged with Solution Architects Group sooner.

Senior HR Manager, Healthcare

Our resource from Solution Architects is very experienced (and reliable!) and his technical proficiency in WD is even greater than our implementation partner. You will never be assigned a junior or low-level resource. They just don’t hire that way.

HR Leader, Healthcare

Infuse your digital journey with architect experience

With embedded resources and flexible engagements, we’ll drive toward your long-term objectives with each break-fix, each ticket, each release, supporting your big picture and extending your reach.

Not ready for a call?

Download our overview instead!

You’ll learn:

  • The background of our organization and why we formed this unique partnership.
  • How we perform with top-tier delivery and customer service.
  • How our service lines meet your real needs with innovative delivery models.
  • The benefits our customers experience throughout our engagements.


Looking for a ticket-based support model?

With our ticket-based managed services, you won’t be passed around a pool of junior resources using your break-fixes as their training ground. Embedded senior resources capable of timely resolution and strategic prioritization.

Need an architect to walk by your side?

More than just an extra team member, we partner with you to train and expand the capabilities of your digital solutions and your team.

Our business, your journey.

Your digital journey is a path of milestones supporting your vision for your organization. We guide you to, through, and beyond each one with embedded resources and flexible engagements.

Consulting Solutions

From Phase 1 to Phase X to Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures, we deliver digital transformations, not just digital transactions.

Automation Strategies

No development team and no time to slow down? No problem. Our next-gen technology brings self-healing automation to your fingertips.

Ready to experience the architect difference?

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